We enjoyed touring the gardens, between other, more agricultural displays. The espalier-trained apple trees captured my husband's imagination and I found myself re-thinking my approach to trellising pumpkins when I saw how effectively the squash were supported.
I sat in on a presentation about identifying diseases in fruit plantings, hosted in the gazebo at the center of the gardens. The material was excellent, but I was delighted with the presenter having a whole host of examples. I took a few photos as they were passed around...
Here is an example of apple scab on leaves.
This is rust on apple.
Botrytis on brambles (raspberries & blackberries)
We also discussed fire blight in apples and roses, peach leaf curl and frost ring.
Downy mildew of apple
Throughout the three day event, gardening presentations were hosted by various speakers from around the state. Topics ranged from beekeeping to tree identification, and everything in between.
In all, it was a great show. The people were friendly, the food was great, and the gardening topics were fantastic. If you get a chance next year, you should try it. It really was a great event. I know I will be going for years to come!
Wendy Wolpert
Delaware County Master Gardener
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